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SAP Business One in the News

Is your manufacturing company ready for Digital Transformation?

SAPB1 Guy 0 7977 Article rating: 5.0

SAP Business One increases visibility into every aspect of your manufacturing operations and solves your most frustrating production challenges. The native features and functions of SAP Business One provide the all-in-one solution growing manufacturing companies need to run their daily operations effectively.

4 Essential Shortcuts For Standard Reports In SAP Business One

by Emily Warren

SAPB1 Guy 0 11882 Article rating: 5.0
Many small businesses struggle with the complexities of generating accurate and timely reports from company data. Few report generation tools have both the ability to gather the correct data and the flexibility needed to put that data into a useful format. Businesses are forced to export data into various applications and then piece that data together to create reports that can be out-of-date the moment they are created.

What Is The SAP Business One Dashboard?

by Nicole Brennan

SAPB1 Guy 0 9783 Article rating: 4.3
Planes, Trains and Automobiles - they all have pilots, and they each have a dashboard. The same goes for the enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, SAP Business One. Dashboards are an intuitive and user-friendly element of the SAP Business One Cockpit providing quick access to report visualizations such as bar or pie charts of the SAP Business One data of your choice. These easy-to-use and fully customizable dashboards are ideal for business owners as they provide immediate access to the most relevant reports in a visual format and the ability to consistently monitor performance with key performance indicators (KPIs). 
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  • SAP HANA is an in-memory computing platform that has completely transformed the relational database industry.

    The Answer is simple, The Answer is SAP Hana